11 November 2020
Public Information Session - An update on progress of the George Town Mountain Bike Trail Development. Business Information Session - An information session for existing and prospective businesses looking to capitalise on the mountain bike trails.
Public Information Session - George Town Mountain Bike Trail Development
Tuesday 1st December 2020 6:00 - 7:00PM
George Town Council invites the public to attend an information session to hear all about how the George Town Mountain Bike Trail Development is progressing.
Much has changed since the initial concept designs were released, and whether you want to be brought up to date, would like to see and hear about the trail network designs, or just finally find out exactly what a pump track is, then you should definitely come along.
The session will be ticketed, with numbers limited to comply with social distancing requirements. BOOK HERE
Business Information Session - George Town Mountain Bike Trail Development
Thursday 3rd December 2020 4:00 - 5:30PM
Are you an existing or prospective business looking to capitalise on the mountain bike trails?
George Town Council invites both existing and current business owners to come along and gain an understanding of how businesses can maximise the opportunities associated with being a mountain biking destination.
The session will be run in "World Cafe" style, meaning there will be seven tables set up, each with a different topic and facilitated by an industry expert.
The topics will be:
Table 1 - Who are mountain bikers and what are they after?
Facilitated by Georgie Brown from Northern Tasmania Development Corporation
Table 2 - Social media and marketing to the MTB market.
Facilitated by Rob King from Kingthing Marketing
Table 3 - MTB Related Business Opportunities - What has and hasn't worked.
Facilitated by Kevin turner from Regional Development Australia (Tasmania)
Table 4 - Preparing your business for the MTB market.
Facilitated by Sam Denmead from Green Hat Tourism and Mountain Biking Network Tasmania
Table 5 - The George Town MTB Trail Maintenance Funding Program.
Facilitated by Peter Rickards from the George Town Council
Table 6 – How to start or diversify your business.
Facilitated by The Van Diemen Project
Table 7 – Tourism basics for business.
Facilitated by Visit Nothern Tasmania
At each table you'll hear insights offered by the facilitator in a focused 10minute discussion before moving to the next table and topic.
Numbers are strictly limited due to social distancing, and additional sessions may be considered if demand exists. BOOK HERE